Best Poker Slow Roll

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Studying more deeply the topic of a slow roll, you will find numerous examples of using this technique at land-based casinos. At the same time, in online poker, a slow roll is not easy to notice, as there is a number of reasons why a player might take a long time to place a bet.Distraction from the computer, slow. A slow roll is a situation where a player with the best hand deliberately delays a showdown call or turn over his cards. Follow Spartan Poker blogs for online poker updates. Teasing the opponent by not showing the winning hand until the opponent thinks he has won.

Slow Roll Poker – Have You Heard of it?

You may have heard this phrase at your local casino or your friend mentioning it. It’s an old poker move that is hated more than the dreaded check raise, but with good reason. A slow roll in poker is an incredibly unethical and distasteful move to employ. It is when a player has the best hand and takes an inordinate amount of time to call and show the winning hand. It is one of the most disliked moves in poker.


Why Would Anyone Slow Roll?

A player will typically slow roll his opponent with the intention to frustrate his opponent and possibly get them on tilt. But at what cost? You have lost that opponent’s respect and the other players at the table too.

RollerPoker slow roll definition

A player may also just be a mean spirited individual and just do it for his own amusement. Whatever the reason, it’s very uncool and won’t win you any favours with your fellow poker players. Texas Hold’em Questions is opposed to slow rolls and something we ask our students not to do.

Casino Slow Rolls

A slow roll is quite easy to detect in live play at the casino. The way your opponent reveals the cards and their facial expression are usually a dead giveaway as to whether they are intentionally slow rolling you.

It’s important to note the player in the hand as you need to be careful not to misinterpret the behaviour of a beginner player or a forgetful elderly individual. They may just be slow or not realise the strength of their hand. A beginner may not know he has the nut flush and think he’s playing a one pair hand when he slowly calls on the river. If he has the nuts and isn’t re raising you, it’s a pretty clear indication he isn’t slow rolling intentionally as a good player will always try to get more chips in the pot if at all possible.


Slowrolling Online

It is harder to detect a slow roll online. A delayed call could just mean a poor internet connection. The player might be answering the door or in a key hand on another table so don’t just to judgement. Be careful before you curse your opponent online.

On the other hand, if the player slow rolls and does a winky face in the chat, you know you’ve just been slow rolled. It might be worth taking a note of that player. Lets face it, the kind of player to slow roll is the same type of player to make irrational bluffs and show you after. There is strategic value to knowing who the slow rollers are.
Next time you play, make sure you don’t slow roll! You’ll find yourself with a big target on your back and lose a lot of respect too.

Check out the hand below where Sheik slow rolls Gus Hansen, uncool.

Teasing the opponent by not showing the winning hand until the opponent thinks he has won
by madone January 07, 2008
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When someone leads you to believe that you have won a hand in poker, but then turns over a very strong hand.
'I was offended at the way Brad slowrolled me,' Jim said.
'What did he do, exactly?' Joe said.
'At the showdown when I turned over my cards, he didn't turns his up after seeing my hand. While I was collecting the chips, he turned over the nuts.'
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When playing poker the person with the best possible hand takes forever to call an all in. Not nice, generally only done by people who hate each other.
Player 1 has pocket aces
player 2 goes all in
player 1 waits the entire clock then calls at the last second
player 2: 'thanks for the slow roll douche!'
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When a person seeking an answer is perpetuallyput off, usually by having to answer subsequent questions given consecutively, before his original question may be answered.
Before leaving, Fred's boss Allen executed a perfect slow roll maneuver, delaying Fred's departure by asking made up questions, the answers of which Fred had to find before Allen would allow Fred to depart.

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A slow harassing stare by means of wheeled transportation.A deliberate and persistant attempt to harass a work force.

Slow Roll Poker Meaning

Foreman Rodney stared at me as he began his slow roll on his Ez-Go to harass me as I worked diligently.
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I had the hand won, but I slow rolled it to get more money in the pot.
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When you are having sex really fast and you want it slow.
by xMontex January 04, 2009
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